Into the Spider-Verse (Save the Cat)

By Fred Trujillo

Save the Cat may not be my favorite, but this structure is popular and is still being used today. Unlike the Hero's Journey, Save the Cat is very plot-driven. Although it does have a main character to follow throughout, it will sacrifice character moments to move the plot forward. This reason is why I'm not the biggest fan of this structure. Below I have broken down Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse into the Save the Cat beats.

Opening Image

Introduction to who Peter Parker is and his version of Spider-Man. A version we are familiar with from all the other Spider-Man films. The first image and scene that we see on the screen explain it. The fun factor of how they introduce him, though, is through the old original Spider-Man movies, but through animation. They do this because we are familiar with Spider-Man.

Theme Stated

"We all make choices in life," and "Our Universe, in fact, is one of many parallel universes happening simultaneously." Two significant quotes appear relatively close to one another. This is our movie parallel universe, and what will Miles choose to shape his character?


We are introduced to Miles Morales and his family. His father is a cop that drives his son to school. We learn that Miles is new to his school as he just started at this school two weeks ago. He meets a fascinating new girl at the school called Wanda. We get to see his close relationship with his Uncle Aaron as they create art graffiti on the walls of a subway tunnel.


Miles gets bit by a spider, and it changes his world forever. Weird things are happening to Miles after the bite. He sticks to the walls, Gwen's hair, and a bookshelf.


Everything is lining up that Miles is another Spider-Man. But he's just Miles. He can't be Spider-Man. Miles returns to where he got bit and runs into a battle between Green Goblin and Spider-Man. Spider-Man saves Miles and realizes that Miles is just like Spider-Man. He urges Miles to help.

Break into Two

The super collider is turned on, which opens universes. Spider-Man temporarily destroys the Super Collider, but Spider-Man is trapped. Miles returns to help. Spider-Man gives Miles a mission to destroy the collider by giving him a key that will destroy the collider. Fisk returns to Spider-Man, and Miles narrowly gets away from the Prowler. Miles finds out that Spider-Man has died, and now Miles makes it his mission to be the new Spider-Man and destroy the collider.


After he accidentally destroys the collider from a fall, Miles goes to Spider-Man's grave. Miles is at a loss for what to do. At the grave, he is hoping to find answers. There he runs into another Spider-Man from a different universe, Peter B. Parker. In order for Peter to get back home and regain who he was as Spider-Man, he is forced to teach Miles how to become Spider-Man.

Fun & Games

Peter and Miles team up to build another device to destroy the supercollider. They go to Alchemax Labs and infiltrate the lab. Peter orders Miles to stay put while he steals it. Miles doesn't listen and helps Peter after he sees Fisk. Miles discovers that he has a new hidden power; he can turn invisible but can't control it yet. They find the computer to hack it to steal the plans to make a new override key. They run into Doc Ock and have to escape the labs. Peter and Miles are about to be caught by Doc Ock and are saved by Wanda, who is actually Spider-Gwen. Together Gwen, Miles, and Peter go to Aunt May's house. She shows them Spider-Man's lair, and they meet even more Spider-Beings from other universes; Peni Parker, Spider-Ham, and Spider-Noir.


To get back home, all the Spider-Beings must go through the super collider, but one must stay behind. Miles elects himself to do it, but no one believes he can do it. Miles is lost and turns to his Uncle Aaron for help, but he finds out that his Uncle is the Prowler.

Bad Guys Close In

After Miles finds out about the Prowler, he goes to Aunt May's house where the Spider-Beings are. Miles unknowingly leads all the villains to the house, The Prowler and Doc Ock. A huge battle starts. The Prowler chases Miles. The Prowler catches up to Miles.

All is Lost

Miles reveals to the Prowler that he is Spider-Man. His Uncle was sent to kill Spider-Man by Fisk, but The Prowler can't do it. He can't kill Miles. So Fisk kills The Prowler. Miles' Uncle Aaron is dead, and now he is broken.

Dark Night of the Soul

After reflecting on losing his Uncle Aaron, the team of Spider-Beings don't believe that Miles can get past Fisk to destroy the supercollider. Peter gives Miles a test; if he passes, Peter will let Miles take on Fisk. Miles fails, and Peter webs Miles to a chair. As broken as Miles is right now, they don't think he can complete the task at hand.

Break into Three

With a leap of faith, Miles escapes the chair by using his powers. Game on. He is now a true Spider-Man. While Miles finds his inner Spider-Man, the other Spider-Beings infiltrate Fisk's party at his building to get to the collider.


The collider is turned on, and the Spider-Beings enter a final battle with the many villains. Doc Ock leads the way. Peter gets caught by Doc Ock, and Miles using his new powers, surprises Doc Ock and frees Peter. Together the Spider-Beings beat the villains. Miles takes the override key, and every Spider-Being returns to their universe safely as Mile has one last battle with Fisk. Miles beats Fisk and destroys the collider.

Final Image

Just like we were introduced to the Peter Parker Spider-Man in the beginning, we get an ending with the new Spider-Man, Miles Morales. This is a fun moment because it is a reflection of the beginning of the movie, except now we are introduced to Miles as the new Spider-Man.